Asia North 2022

Asia North 2022 Stillepointe Theatre © Edward Weiss

Appropriately, for a festival celebrating the arts of Asia, the work presented at Asia North 2022 is so vast and diverse that it’s impossible to adequately describe. But we thought, if we presented a small sliver, from the opening on April 8, it would enable readers to use their imaginations and do the math to extrapolate how much more of  Asian North there is to see in the next weeks (ending May 28)  at six Central Baltimore locations. You can find the details of where to go on the Asia North 2022 Facebook Event page, including information about all the organizations and artists responsible for this year’s Asia North, of whom we are proud to say — we are one, as we have been every year.

For spotlights on the various events and exhibitions taking place within Asia North 2022, the Asian Arts & Culture Center Facebook page is a wealth of information. AA & CC (of Towson University is the organization that first conceived of this festival; and (as always), this year’s Asia North was curated by Nerissa Paglinauan, Program Manager, of AA & CC.

So here’s our sliver, a gallery of the performers for the first one hour and ten minutes. Performances by Di Dim Sae Dance, Gyueun Kim, Mega Drum at Stillpointe Theatre. Then JHU Yong Han Lion Dance leads the audience to Motor House, where vocalist EN’B is on stage. Remember there are more than performers at Asia North 2022, the huge art exhibitions at Stillepoint Theatre and Motorhouse (and all the venues) are not represented in the following images.

1 Hour & 10 minutes of Performers at Asia North 2022 in Central Baltimore

Asia North 2022 Stillepointe Theatre © Edward Weiss
6:45. A magnificent solo dance, greets the SRO crowd at Stillepointe Theatre

7:00. The solo dance portion of the night ends with this graceful bow.

7:05 A beautiful swirl of colors, and billowing precision from this dance ensemble.
7:09. Music begins and a dazzling cascade of strings envelopes the Stillepointe Theatre.
7:14. Our hearts quicken to the impossibly precise, yet poundingly organic, beat.
7:46. The first vividly costumed lion dancer appears, and shakes its stuff.
7: 48. The 2nd lion arrives, they will lead us from Stillepointe Theatre to Motorhouse.
7:50. A bit of dance while passing the North Avenue Market (check out the new lighting).
7:51. Arriving at Motorhouse (see the crowd following in the mid-righthand corner).
7:55. The lions take up positions at the Motorhouse mainstage, to serve as security (?, or perhaps, good luck charms) for vocalist EN’B (onstage behind the Mic Stand).
Time for our next assignment. But for Asia North 2022, this is only the beginning!

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